Dr. John Joseph Riggins

Dr. John Joseph Riggins


  • Professor

Contact Information

Office: 662-325-2984
158 Clay Lyle Bldg.



  • University of Arkansas, Doctor of Philosophy (PHD), Entomology
  • University of Nebraska, Kearney, Master of Science (MS), Biology
  • University of Nebraska, Kearney, Bachelor of Science (BS), Biology



Year Publications

Nardi, D., Geppert, C., Thorn, M. J., Ward, S. W., Brown, R. L., Gordon, J. S., Riggins, J. J. 2025. Burning questions: How human habits and firewood characteristics influence the transport of wood-boring insects. Biological Invasions


Nardi, D., Bares, H. M., Clay, N. A., Verble, R., Rassati, D., Marini, L., Thomason, J. W., Riggins, J. J. 2024. Tradeoffs in longleaf pine conservation: Prescribed fire management increases exotic ambrosia beetle abundance in pine-hardwood forests. Forest Ecology and Management 571:122210.


Siegert, C. M., Clay, N., Vissa, S., Pace, K., Hofstetter, R., Leveron, O., Riggins, J. J. 2024. Bark beetle-driven community and biogeochemical impacts in forest ecosystems: a review. Annals of the Entomological Society of America


Clay, N. A., Tang, J. D., Siegert, C. M., Thomason, J. T., Benedetto, N., Day, D., Pace, K., Leveron, O., Hofstetter, R., Riggins, J. J. 2023. Decomposition of bark beetle-attacked trees after mortality varies across forests. Forest Ecology and Management 553:121636.


Riggins, J. J., Ward, S. F. 2023. Warm temperatures and host tree abundance explain variation in directional spread by laurel wilt. Biological Invasions 25:2747-2761


Ward, S., Riggins, J. J. 2022. Drivers of invasion by laurel wilt of redbay and sassafras in the southeastern US. Landscape Ecology


Mech, A., Rosenberger, D., Fanning, P., Riggins, J. J., Aukema, B., Hartshorn, J. 2022. There's an app for that: Teaching entomology in the online age. Natural Sciences Education 51(2).


Clay, N. A., Siegert, C. M., Tang, J. D., Little, N. S., Eckhardt, L. G., Riggins, J. J. 2021. Termite presence and feeding on loblolly pine wood differs among four root-infecting bluestain (ophiostomatoid) fungi species. Environmental Entomology 50(5):1118-1126.


Smith, J., Coyle, D., Thomason, J., Matthews, T., Riggins, J. J. 2021. Geocaching: A New Instructional Tool for Natural Resources Extension and Outreach. . Journal of Extension. 59:Article # 16.


Sullivan, B. T., Shepherd, W. P., Nowak, J. T., Clarke, S. R., Merten, P. R., Meeker, J. R., Parapart, B., Bruce, B., Rachal, A., Billings, R. F., Upton, W. W., Riggins, J. J. 2021. Alternative formulations of trap lures for operational monitoring and detection of populations of southern pine beetle in the United States. Economic Entomology 114:1189-1200.


Thomason, J. W., Clarke, S. R., Riggins, J. J. 2020. Evaluation of phenological indicators for optimizing spring southern pine beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) trapping surveys. Florida Entomologist 103:444-451.


Riggins, J. J., Chupp, A. D., Formby, J. P., Dearing, N. A., Bares, H. M., Brown, R. L., Oten, K. F. 2019. Impacts of laurel wilt disease on arthropod herbivores of North American Lauraceae. Biological Invasions 21:493-503.


Bookwalter, J. D., Riggins, J. J., Dean, J., Mastro, V. C., Schimleck, L. R., Sullivan, B. T., Gandhi, K. J. 2019. Colonization and development of Sirex noctilio (Hymenoptera:Siricidae) in bolts of a native pine host and six species of pine grown in the southeastern United States. Journal of Entomological Science 54:1-18.


Formby, J. P., Rodgers, J. C., Koch, F. H., Krishnan, N., Duerr, D. A., Riggins, J. J. 2018. Cold tolerance strategy and invasive potential of the redbay ambrosia beetle (Xyleborus glabratus) in the eastern United States. . Biological Invasions 20:995-1007.


Siegert, C. M., Clay, N., Tang, J., Garrigues, L. G., Riggins, J. J. 2018. Indirect effects of bark beetle generated coarse woody debris impacts to biogeochemical properties of forest floor substrates following one year of decomposition. Oecologia 188(4):1209-1226.


Hughes, M. A., Riggins, J. J., Koch, F. H., Cognato, A. I., Anderson, C., Formby, J. P., Dreaden, T. J., Ploetz, R. C., Smith, J. A. 2017. No rest for the laurels: symbiotic invaders cause unprecedented damage to southern USA forests. Biological Invasions 19:2143-2157.


Hartshorn, J. A., Fisher, J. R., Riggins, J. J., Stephen, F. M. 2017. Molecular identification of Deladenus proximus Bedding, 1974 (Tylenchida: Neotylenchidae), a parasite of Sirex nigricornis (Hymenoptera: Siricidae). Nematology 19:15-20.


Clay, N. A., Little, N. S., Riggins, J. J. 2017. Inoculation of ophiostomatoid fungi in loblolly pine trees increases the presence of subterranean termites in fungal lesions. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 11:213-219.


Hartshorn, J. A., Haavik, L. J., Allison, J. D., Meeker, J. R., Johnson, W., Galligan, L. D., Chase, K. D., Riggins, J. J., Stephen, F. M. 2016. Emergence of adult female Sirex nigricornis F. and Sirex noctilio F.(Hymenoptera: Siricidae) coincides with a decrease in daily minimum and maximum temperature. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 18:206-213.


Clarke, S. R., Riggins, J. J., Stephen, F. M. 2016. Forest Management and Southern Pine Beetle Outbreaks: A Historical Perspective. Forest Science 62(2):166–180.


Hartshorn, J. A., Chase, K. D., Galligan, L. D., Riggins, J. J., Stephen, F. M. 2016. Interactions Among Latitude, Nematode Parasitization, and Female Sirex nigricornis (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) Fitness. Environmental entomology 45(6):1515–1520.


Hughes, M. A., Smith, J. A., Mayfield, A. E., Ploetz, R. C., Hanula, J. L., Hulcr, J., Carrillo, D., Cameron, S., Kendra, P. E., Rabaglia, R. J., Stelinski, L., Eickwort, J., Riggins, J. J., Pernas, T. 2015. Recovery plan for laurel wilt on redbay and other forest species, caused by Raffaelea lauricola and disseminated by Xyleborus glabratus. Plant Health Progress 16:173-210.


Riggins, J. J., Little, N. S., Eckhardt, L. G. 2014. Correlation between infection by ophiostomatoid fungi and the presence of subterranean termites in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) roots. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 16(3):260–264.


Chase, K. D., Gandhi, K. J., Riggins, J. J. 2014. Effects of Forest Type and Management on Native Wood Wasp Abundance (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) in Mississippi, United States. Journal of economic entomology 107(3):1142–1149.


Little, N. S., Blount, N. A., Caprio, M. A., Riggins, J. J. 2014. Survey of subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) utilization of temperate forests. Sociobiology 61(2):198–206.


Little, N. S., Schultz, T. P., Diehl, S. V., Nicholas, D. D., Londo, A. J., Musser, F., Riggins, J. J. 2013. Field evaluations of subterranean termite preference for sap-stain inoculated wood. Journal of Insect Behavior 26(5):649–659.


Formby, J. P., Krishnan, N., Riggins, J. J. 2013. Supercooling in the redbay ambrosia beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Florida Entomologist 96(4):1530–1540.


Little, N. S., McConnell, T. E., Irby, N. E., Shi, S. Q., Riggins, J. J. 2013. Surface free energy of blue-stained southern pine sapwood from bark beetle-attacked trees. Wood and Fiber Science 45(2):206–214.


Little, N. S., McConnell, E., Irby, N. E., Shi, S. Q., Riggins, J. J. 2013. Surface free energy of blue-stained southern pine sapwood from bark beetle-attacked trees. Wood and Fiber Science 45(2):206-214.


Little, N. S., Riggins, J. J., Schultz, T. P., Londo, A. J., Ulyshen, M. D. 2012. Feeding preference of native subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae: Reticulitermes) for wood containing bark beetle pheromones and blue-stain fungi. Journal of insect behavior 25(2):197–206.


Chase, K. D., Schiefer, T. L., Riggins, J. J. 2012. First Incidence of Sinoxylon Indicum and Sinoxylon Sudanicum (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in Mississippi. Florida Entomologist 95(3):767–770.


Formby, J. P., Schiefer, T. L., Riggins, J. J. 2012. First Records of Xyleborus glabratus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Alabama and in Harrison County, Mississippi. Florida Entomologist 95(1):192–193.


Little, N. S., Blount, N. A., Londo, A. J., Kitchens, S. C., Schultz, T. P., McConnell, T. E., Riggins, J. J. 2012. Preference of Formosan subterranean termites for blue-stained southern yellow pine sapwood. Journal of economic entomology 105(5):1640–1644.


Little, N. S., Blount, N. A., Londo, A. J., Kitchens, S. C., Schultz, T. P., McConnell, E., Riggins, J. J. 2012. Preference of formosan subterranean termites for blue-stained Southern yellow pine sapwood. Journal of Economic Entomology 105(5):1640-1644.


Riggins, J. J., Fraedrich, S. W., Harrington, T. C. 2011. First Report of Laurel Wilt Caused by Raffaelea lauricola on Sassafras in Mississippi. Plant Disease 95(11):1479–1479.


Riggins, J. J., Defibaugh y Chávez, Jason M, ., Tullis, J. A., Stephen, F. M. 2011. Spectral Identification of Previsual Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra L.) Foliar Symptoms Related to Oak Decline and Red Oak Borer (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Attack. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 35(1):18–25.


Riggins, J. J., Hughes, M., Smith, J. A., Mayfield, III, A. E., Layton, M. B., Balbalian, C. J., Campbell, R. 2010. First occurrence of laurel wilt disease caused by Raffaelea lauricola on redbay trees in Mississippi. Plant Disease 94(5):634–634.


Riggins, J. J., Davis, C. A., Hoback, W. W. 2009. Biodiversity of belowground invertebrates as an indicator of wet meadow restoration success (Platte River, Nebraska). Restoration Ecology 17(4):495–505.


Riggins, J. J., Tullis, J. A., Stephen, F. M. 2009. Per-segment aboveground forest biomass estimation using LIDAR-derived height percentile statistics. GIScience & Remote Sensing 46(2):232–248.


Riggins, J. J., Galligan, L. D., Stephen, F. M. 2009. Rise and fall of red oak borer (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, USA. Florida Entomologist 92(3):426–433.


Riggins, J. J., Hoback, W. W. 2005. Diurnal tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) capture prey without sight. Journal of insect behavior 18(3):305–312.

Extension Publications

Year Publications

Layton, M. B., Riggins, J. J. 2024. Bark beetles in urban pines. Mississippi State University Extension Article


Self, A. B., Floyd, J., Riggins, J. J. 2021. Ips: The Other Pine Bark Beetles. Mississippi State University Extension Service P2876:4.


Kushla, J. D., Riggins, J. J. 2019. Southern Pine Beetle in Mississippi: An Overview. Mississippi State University Extension


Willis, J. L., Dicke, S. G., Riggins, J. J. 2017. What's Killing My Pines: Case of the Deodar Weevil. Mississippi State Extension Service


Thorn, M. J., Riggins, J. J. 2016. Mistletoe. Mississippi Forestry Commission Forest Health Note


Riggins, J. J. 2016. Emerald ash borer update. Mississippi Forestry Commission Forest Health Note


Riggins, J. J. 2016. 2016 Mississippi southern pine beetle predictions. Mississippi Forestry Commission Forest Health Note


Nebeker, T. E., Riggins, J. J., Auel, J. B., Henderson, J. E., Ezell, A. W., Self, A. B., Matney, T. G., Londo, A. J. 2015. Southern Pine Density Management for a Healthier Forest. Mississippi State University Extension Service P2893:26.


Graduate Students

    Awards & Honors

    • Advisory Board Member
      University of Padova
    • Regions Bank DAFVM Superior Faculty Award for International Activities

    Society Memberships

    • East Texas Forest Entomology Seminar
    • Entomological Society of America
    • International Union of Forestry Research Organizations
    • North American Forest Insect Work Conference
    • Southern Appalachian Forest Entomology and Pathology Seminar
    • Southern Forest Insect Work Conference