Welcome to MSU's Bug and Plant Camp

MSU's Bug and Plant Camp is the oldest "bug camp" in the world. It is a very active intergenerational academic camp. Campers start early every morning and collect into the night. Camp is held on campus in the Clay Lyle Entomology Complex and campers collect on the Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge and at other locations. As an intergenerational camp it is open to people from 10 years of age up. Parents, teachers and even entomologists from other universities have participated in camp.

Activities and topics may include: collecting, identifying and pinning insects; night collecting; using a scanning electron microscope; a tour of a bee hive, a taste of honey, and honey judging; forensic entomology and lab; forest entomology; insect-plant interactions including a guided hike, carnivorous plants, plant diseases, and edible wild plants; medical entomology and insect diseases such Zeka and West Nile Virus are discussed; insect parasites; veterinary entomology; aquatic insects and water quality monitoring; plant ecology; Integrated Pest Management; entomophagy (edible insects) and more. There is always something new! Sessions are led by departmental faculty members, associates, and students.

In the fall young entomologists are invited to join departmental faculty for BugFest at the MSU Crosby Arboretum to teach what they have learned. The camp experience is reinforced with an emailed entomology newsletter, The Gloworm.

2025 MSU Bug and Plant Camp

June 1-5
June 22-26 (advanced camp)

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